I started my painting journey back in 2001 – see my post titled The Journey Begins – for the full story. While not formally introduced to art via academia, I have always had a creative side and been very enthusiastic about most things that I find of interest. As an investment advisor I am very passionate about helping my clients achieve their financial goals. I would spend time learning Why things were important to them. How they approached most things in life, and what things were important for them to make decisions to reach their goals. Very dedicated to my career, I found I needed a way to escape some of the high demands that are placed on a financial advisor or even back in the early years as an associate, and painting provided that creative avenue to let my mind unwind.
Now as I embraced the roll of caregiver/support person to my parents along with other changes that have taken me (temporarily) away from the more demanding roll of a financial advisor, I spend time back in The Little Studio Garage with the Big Green Wall, trying new techniques and continuing to hone my craft as a painter/artist. I’ve enjoyed the new adventures of the very trendy Paint Pour styles. Which have some very amazing results and require the artist to let go of some of the desire to control
the outcome of a painting. I think this is fantastic… it makes me think of life. More important God – sometimes you have to “Let Go and Let God.” So when I approach painting and this new style of Paint pouring it’s like I’m just putting the paint in the cup, pouring it out on the canvas and then God takes over… I might want the paint to flow one way, but He takes it another. (Ok deep)
Any ways I find a great joy in painting and hope that as I create new pieces and put them up if you happen to find something that speaks to you, send me a line let me know we can discuss arrangements if you wish to purchase one of my originals, or possibly just a print.
I look forward to continuing to hone my craft, learn from others and hopefully create some beautiful pieces that those who visit my site may enjoy. Please watch for upcoming galleries – Desk art / Glass and Tile Art, and some select Photography which has inspired my work
Your feed back is welcomed and feel free to drop me a line.